Learning für die Marketingpraxis - Treue auf dem Prüfstand
Learnings für die Marketingpraxis
TeaserZitat Image
Byron Sharp
Director Ehrenberg-Bass Institute

„The impact of customer loyalty is definitly overestimated."

Growth trough Penetration

„Growth in market share comes by increasing popularity.“

Byron Sharp, How Brands Grow
Umsatz wächst mit Käuferreichweite

Double Jeopardy Law

„Brands with less market share have so because they have far fewer buyers, and these buyers are slightly less loyal.“

Byron Sharp, How Brands Grow
Grössere Marken haben mehr Käufer und werden öfter gekauft

Duplication of Purchase Law

„A brand's customer base overlaps with the customer base of other brands, in line with their market share.“

Byron Sharp, How Brands Grow
Marktführer ist für alle der stärkste Konkurrent

Pareto Law

„Slightly more than half of a brand's sales come from the top 20% of the brand's customers. The rest of the sales come from the bottom 80% of customers.“

Byron Sharp, How Brands Grow
Top-20-Prozent stellen die Hälfte des Umsatzes

"For 'loyalty' to truly drive ROI, customers need to feel emotionally connected to the brand, they want to recommend you to others, forgive bad experiences, an buy your products regularly!"

Katy Dunn, Strategy Partner RAPP
Andreas Ebeling
Andreas Ebeling
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Brandmeyer Markenberatung

„Rabatte allein schaffen keine Markenbindung."

Das ist ein Ankermodul mit der ID: bonusmaterial

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Guido Modenbach


Gerald Neumüller
Director Research